020. Câmpul Românesc - Ianuarie 2020
Number of images in category: 48
Category Viewed: 1433x
019. Colt de Rai Romanesc - Campul Romanesc -  22.06.2019
Number of images in category: 39
Category Viewed: 1927x
018. Foc de tabara si artificii 22.06.2019
Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 1461x
017. Campul Romanesc - Iarna - 12.2017
Number of images in category: 45
Category Viewed: 2021x
016. Picnic - Ziua Recoltei - 09.09.2017
Number of images in category: 30
Category Viewed: 2172x
015. Picnic Sf Maria - 19.08.2017
Number of images in category: 92
Category Viewed: 2415x
014. Ziua Femeii Montreal - 17.01.2015
Number of images in category: 112
Category Viewed: 5173x
013. Celebram Femeia Montreal - 01.03.2014
Number of images in category: 27
Category Viewed: 4024x
012. Hai Sa Dam Mana Cu Mana - 25.01.2014
Number of images in category: 31
Category Viewed: 3875x
011. Ziua Femeii Montreal 09.03.2013
Number of images in category: 8
Category Viewed: 4962x
010. Muzeu ARC
Number of images in category: 36
Category Viewed: 4663x
009. Picnicuri ARC - Iunie - Iulie 2012
Number of images in category: 25
Category Viewed: 4754x
008. Parcul ARC Val David 2012
Number of images in category: 26
Category Viewed: 4384x
007. Picnic in centrul orasului ValDavid 07.08.2011
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 4627x
006. Intalnirea Asociatiilor Romanesti, Montreal - 23.04.2005
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 3646x
005. Conferinta Scriitor Petre Popescu - 03.04.2005
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 3743x
004. Concurs de sah - 18.12.2004
Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 3427x
003. Intalnire Pierre Bourque - 09.12.2004
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 3462x
002. Picnic Hrusca si Hora - 03.07.2004
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 3679x
001. Picnic - 16.08.2003
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 3707x
000. Parcul ARC Val David
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 3878x
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